05.08.2013 16:04, JSC Secretary:
You can choose the higher-level designator "writer of supplementary
textual content" if you don't want to or cannot identify a more specific

This leaves me wondering whether or not the relationship designators
are a D aspect or (also) an A aspect. To qualify as the latter, the
rules should make that clear AND specify a hierarchy which would, for
instance, make it algorithmically clear that "writer of supplementary
textual content" covers Introduction, Preface, Forword, and Afterword.
(And wouldn't it be useful indeed to be able to search for Noam Chomsky
as a "writer of supplementary textual content" but specifically not
prefaces? ) Alas, zillions of our records exist and will remain without
designators, which casts some doubt on the usefulness of this element.

If however, the designator is regarded as solely a D aspect, then
why bother? Wouldn't the Statement of responsibility do the job nicely


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