
I see your point about retrieval. In a simple search covering all keywords, it wouldn't make any difference, but in other kinds of searches there might be problems. Perhaps one possibility would be to transcribe the conference name as s-o-r, but additionally give it as a variant title? This might also cover the curious "double nature" of the statement which Ben pointed out.

By the way, RAK also gives clear guidance for a case like "proceedings of the XY conference", which you've mentioned. If such a statement appears together with a specific title, it would be given as other title information.

And then, we have a third case, which looks like this:

Berlin, 12-15 May 2008

Here, the name of the conference would become the title proper and the statement of place and date would be given as other title information.

So, in fact, the conference name can also appear either as title proper, as other title information or as statement of responsibility according to the German rules - depending on the situation. But the difference to AACR2 and RDA is, I think, that RAK explicitly explains these cases and gives a rule for each of them. So, at least in theory, there should be more uniformity in their treatment than can be found in the Anglo-American world. However, in practice I think that the rules have not always been followed all that closely. So there is some variation in German catalogs, as well.


Steven Arakawa wrote:
Based on the layout in the scan, I would have transcribed the 100. Deutscher Bibliothekartag as the title proper, 
Bibliotheken fur die Zukunft as the other title, and Herausgaben von Ulrich Hohoff  etc as the statement of 
responsibility.  I would have provided variant access for the other title. I think the user in the U.S. who has seen 
the title page but who isn't relying on keyword  is going to search 100. Deutscher ... and Bibliotheken fur die ... as 
left anchor titles.  Since the conference is going to be the main entry, it should be retrievable on a name search if 
it occurs to anyone that it's a name.  I don't see how this changes significantly in RDA. If the title page was in the 
form Future of libraries  proceedings of the 100. German Library Conference there would be a better case for entering 
"proceedings of ... etc" in MARC 245 $c. But in my judgment the search is more likely to be on title keyword, 
so I would have entered "proceedings of the ..." in MARC 245 $b. Or, if the name of the conference was 
searched just as keyword, with a large number of hits, I think the user would be more likely to select the title facet 
rather than the author facet to refine the search, another reason to enter the name of the conference in a field 
indexed as title.  In RDA one can add a relationship designator "author" or "creator" to a 
conference AAP, but that doesn't mean the non-cataloger will search as if the conference was an author on the first 
couple of tries.

Steven Arakawa
Catalog Librarian for Training & Documentation
Catalog & Metada Services
Sterling Memorial Library. Yale University
P.O. Box 208240 New Haven, CT 06520-8240
(203) 432-8286

-----Original Message-----
From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Heidrun Wiesenmüller
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Names of conferences as title proper, other title 
information or statement of responsiblity


Without seeing the actual item, I would place it in the area of resp.
Sorry, that was too much shorthand for a non-native speaker:
Does "resp" here mean the same as "depends"? If so, on what - the layout?

If you want to have a closer look, here's a scan of the title page:

It's a typical case of conference proceedings, a collection of papers given at the 
so-called "Bibliothekartag" (the German equivalent to the ALA conference, with 
about 4.000 participants). My reading is that such proceedings originate with the 
conference, and therefore that the conference is seen as the creator.

I apologize for being so insistent. But it's an example from my teaching 
collection, and I would very much like to get a sound RDA solution for it (or 
perhaps several acceptable solutions, if that's how it is).

Thanks again,

Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmueller M.A.
Stuttgart Media University
Wolframstr. 32, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany

Prof. Heidrun Wiesenmueller M.A.
Stuttgart Media University
Wolframstr. 32, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany

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