****Cross posting to multiple lists****

*The ALCTS CaMMS Copy Cataloging Interest Group is inviting speakers to
present at its ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia on Saturday, January
25, 2014** from 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m.*

* *

* Our charge is to discuss informally common problems concerning copy
cataloging of all kinds of materials (monographs, serials, audiovisual,
etc.), quality control, workflows issues, staffing needs, training and
effects of cataloging rules on copy cataloging. *

*Suggested topics:*

* *

·      *RDA implementation, especially as it relates to copy cataloging*

* *

·      *Approaches and experiences to training staff under RDA*

* *

·      *RDA and discovery layers: challenges and successes*

* *

·      *Editing of batch loaded vendor records*

* *

·      *Copy cataloging in the next generation ILS*

* *

·      *Copy cataloging productivity: challenges and successes*

* *

*Please email proposal abstracts to the co-chairs by Tuesday, October 29th,
2013.  If you have questions, please contact us. Thank you!*


*Janet H. Ahrberg**
           **Tricia Mackenzie*

*Associate Professor/Catalog Librarian                           Metadata

*Edmon Low Library
                                                            George Mason
University Libraries       *

*Oklahoma State University
4400 University Drive, MS 2FL    *

*Stillwater, Okla.  74078-1071
Fairfax, VA 22030  *

Phone: (703) 993-2313*

*janet.ahrb...@okstate.edu                                            Fax:
(703) 993-2263*


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