Dear all,

I'd like an opinion on something relating to language expression access points 
in RDA.  If, when copy cataloging AACR2 bibrec, you have an item representing 
two or more language expressions, are you able to apply RDA principles (in 
terms of the access points) WITHOUT fully upgrading the bibrec to RDA?  Or, is 
this is a significant enough change to warrant fully converting the AACR2 
bibrec to an RDA bibrec?  I'm looking at some of the hybrid record policies on 
both the PCC and OCLC sites and this is not completely clear to me.

For example, under AACR2 if you had a film in original language version dubbed 
into French, you would have had one access point representing both the original 
language and dubbed versions:

130  0 Sunset Blvd. (Motion picture). $l French & English

Under RDA, you'd have two different access points-one for the original, the 
other for the dubbed French version (and no 130):

730 0  Sunset Blvd. (Motion picture)
730 0  Sunset Blvd. (Motion picture). $l French.


Peter H. Lisius, M.L.S., M.A.
Music and Media Catalog Librarian
Associate Professor
Kent State University Libraries
P.O. Box 5190
Kent, OH  44242-0001
(330) 672-6316<>

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