
Actually, the owner of all symlinks get set to root after "restore",
regardless of the original owner of the target of the symlinks.  In
other words, this happens even if the owner of the target file
(e.g. /home/joe/.bashrc) is 'joe'.


On Sat, 30 Jul 2005, Keith Edmunds wrote:

Naoki Takebayashi wrote:
Note that the uid/gid is set to "root" instead of "joe".

I suppose that, technically, it could be considered a bug. However, the actual permissions of a symlink are inherited from the target file, so it will make little difference in real life. Do you have something that explicitly relies upon the owner/group of symlinks (eg, a find(1) script or similar)?

Keith Edmunds

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Naoki Takebayashi  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Institute of Arctic Biology & Department of Biology and Wildlife
311 Irving I Bldg, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA
office:    (907) 474-1178, WRRB 226
fax:    (907) 474-6967

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