>>>>> Hunter Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> wrote the following on Sat, 02 Jul 2005 13:43:58 -0400

> There's an os.tmpfile() [or similar] call in rdiff-backup thats doing
> this. Rdiff-backup should be patched either 
> a) to use 'tmp' files in the restoration target, with the assumption
> that the user requesting restore knew what he/she/it was doing to have
> enough space there, but perhaps not on /tmp.
> b) add a command line arg to do that.
> I think (A) is far more desirable.

Oops you are right.  Dean I saw below that you found the problem, does
it still need fixing?  

I agree with Hunter that (A) is better.  In theory rdiff-backup should
listen to the TMPDIR, TEMP, or TMP environmental variables in this
instance (see
http://www.python.org/doc/2.4.1/lib/module-tempfile.html).  I'm not
sure why it's not working, perhaps a python bug or a quirk of the

But anyway, rdiff-backup already requires free space in the directory
being written to in many cases, so it would cause less confusion if it
just used this in every case.

I'm not sure why the gzipping caused a different error to begin
with--was that another bug?

Ben Escoto

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