>>>>> dean gaudet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> wrote the following on Sat, 6 Aug 2005 23:34:57 -0700 (PDT)

> rdiff-backup does some tests to make sure there isn't an already running 
> backup on the same target though, doesn't it?

No it doesn't.  I'm not sure how that could be accomplished.  What is
the difference between a failed rdiff-backup process that aborted in
the middle and one still in progress?

We could 1) read through the entire backup and look for recently
written files, 2) read the process table and look for an existing
rdiff-backup, or 3) have rdiff-backup fork a thread that updates the
mtime on some file every minute.  #3 seems the best out of these but
all seem ugly enough not to be worth doing.

> istr i really screwed up once because i'd left a "--force" in a script of 
> mine and rdiff-backup didn't finish in 24h and the next one started up... 
> and the target was really screwed up after that :)

Yep, that would do it :P

Ben Escoto

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