Ben Escoto wrote:

wrote the following on Sat, 17 Sep 2005 23:38:49 -0400

I would like to checkout rdiff-backup usage on Mac OS X (10.4.2)

1)  Are there any other such users out there?

Well not me but I think there are some :)

2) I want to use the full functionality but there are two limitations, namely ACLs and EAs. The various port packages have "librsync" included as a dependency but do not include pylibacl and pyxattr.

   2a)  EA support: supposedly with "pyxattr" recognized, but in Mac OS
   X the proper module is "xattr" which I have in my pythonmac 2.4.1
   installation (/usr/local/) and in the DarwinPorts environment
   (/opt/local/).  Other than my PATH variable, how do I get
rdiff-backup to recognize "xattr?"
   2b) ACL support: supposedly with "pylibacl" recognized, but I can't
   find any such thing for Darwin.  The "standard" download
   checks for Linux and Free-BSD only and quits.  Having looked (with
   my limited understanding) at the Carbon "FPGetACL" which pylibacl
   would, I believe, have to get down to, I'm not adventurous enough to
   just add Darwin to the  Is there any merit in pursuing
this aspect?

For EAs, rdiff-backup looks for the "xattr" module, as provided by the
pyxattr package.  For ACL support, rdiff-backup looks for the
"posix1e" package, as provided by the pylibacl package.  There are
links to these packages on the homepage.

I have no idea whether Mac OS X supports ACLs or user EAs at all, and
if it does, whether the pyxattr and pylibacl packages are Mac OS X
compatible.  If you have questions specifically about these modules
though, you may want to ask the modules' author or mailing list.


rdiff-backup-users mailing list at
Wiki URL:

Thanks for the reply Ben,

As per 2a above, it's a matter of the rdiff -backup "import" statement that is in question - guess I'll have to dig through the source to check it out.

As for 2b above, your reply did prompt me to look back at the pylibacl page again and this time I noticed what may be the closest thing to an answer I'll get :-)
It says (circa 2002):
"If any other platform implements the POSIX.1e draft, pylibacl can be used." And the Darwin (OS X) man pages say:
 "This implementation of the POSIX.1e library differs from the standard in
    a number of non-portable ways in order to support the MacOS/Darwin ACL
    semantic.  Where possible, these differences are implemented using the
mechanisms provided in the standard for such extensions. Where routines
    are non-standard, they are suffixed with _np to indicate that they are
    not portable."

In trying all the potential info sources I could, I have so far found one user of rdiff-backup on the pythonmac list and that person is still running Panther (10.3.x). EAs were implemented in Darwin with Tiger (10.4.x).

You saw the post so maybe some other Mac users will eventually also :-) All a bit of a shame in my mind - with all the playing around with rsync I've done, rdiff-backup seems a very practical and efficient approach.
Thanks again for the reply,
Lee C

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