On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, Golden Butler wrote:

> ./test-bkp: line 2: 20700 Segmentation fault rdiff-backup -v7 
> --print-statistics /home/golden/testy

you know, a segfault is very unlikely to be an rdiff-backup problem.

i'd be more tempted to blame the C compiler (which could be miscompiling 
something rdiff-backup uses) and/or the hardware.

do you do anything crazy like run gentoo or any other distribution where 
you've (re)compiled binaries with your own optimisation options and/or 
with a bleeding edge gcc?

do you overclock your hardware or use inexpensive (non-ECC) memory?  one 
thing you could try here is running memtest86.

since it's a consistent segfault it's more likely to be a miscompile than 
a hardware problem.  if it were me i'd run the whole thing under gdb 
(and/or with a non-zero coredumpsize limit) and disassemble the faulty 
code... but that's not a solution for a beginner.


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