Wiebe Cazemier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Erik Forsberg wrote:
> >>Does anyone else think they would use Wiebe's --checksum-diff
> >>option?
> > Sounds like a very good tool for a system integrity check after a
> > breakin or other security problem.
> Actually, that would be the --verify option.

Ah. OK. 

On the other hand - a filesystem verify functionality that is based on
the MD5 (or other appropriate checksum) sum would perhaps also be a
good idea, if it would run faster than the existing --verify. I don't
know how --verify works, so this may not be the case. 

> The --checksum-diff option I suggested uses the actual contents of the
> file to determine if the it has changed, instead of using the less
> reliable mtime+size combination. In my opinion, a mandatory
> requirement for having an acurate image of your entire
> OS-installation. I hope others think so too.

Sounds good as well.

Erik Forsberg                OpenSource-based Thin Client Technology
Cendio AB                    Phone: +46-13-21 46 00    
                             Web: http://www.thinlinc.com

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