On Tue, 22 Nov 2005, Ben Escoto wrote:

Faheem Mitha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote the following on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 13:19:56 -0500 (EST)

I managed to work around this by having the script check whether the
LVM snapshot were mounted first, since this would mean the previous
backups were still in progress. However, I wonder whether it would
not be possible for rdiff-backup to detect that another rdiff-backup
process was writing to the same directory and exit gracefully?
Perhaps this would be difficult to do in a portable way.

The development version writes its PID to the current_mirror file in
the backup repository.  Some future version should check that PID and
abort if the process is still running (unless you run --force or

Yes, that sounds like a good idea.

Secondly, I noticed that the --remove-older-than option removes files in
the increments directory, but does not touch any of the log and statistics
files that are generated, eg session_statistics, error_log,
mirror_metadata etc.

Are you sure it doesn't remove those?  It seems to from a few quick
tests I did.  In fact, I just found a bug, if you pick a time later
than the current mirror time it will delete those too :-(

Pretty sure. I've been doing extensive testing. However, I'm running the current Debian version in Sarge, namely 1.0.1. Is it possible this is something that has been fixed recently?

In any case, if you can point me to the code that removes the log/statistics files in the code (I looked in 1.0.1 but could not find anything) then that would be very helpful.

Hmm, now looking in 1.1.2, but can't see anything there either.

Thanks.                                                        Faheem.

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