>>>>> Blair Zajac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> wrote the following on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 22:37:32 -0800
> The one feature I think would be handy would be reporting of what
> was added or deleted that caused a huge backup.  My normal nightly
> backups are around 20 Mbytes, but last night I got one that was 220
> Mbytes and I'd like to figure out what changed that caused this.
> Some report by directory, say like a du output, of changed file size
> would be nice.  Directories with no changed wouldn't be printed.

Yes, in theory there is the file_statistics files, which have detailed
by-directory statistics, but this file requires some computer
processing (like Dean's script) to be easily human readable.  You can
also use 'du' itself, along with find and regular expressions and
such, but yeah I can see this isn't optimally easy.

> In the "How buggy do you find rdiff-backup?", you might want to add
> a level between "Very buggy" and "Found a few, but nothing serious".
> I'd hate to call rdiff-backup very buggy, otherwise I wouldn't use
> it and I love this program. On the other hand, I did run into that
> KeyError bug in 1.1.3 which prevented a backup from working and the
> Mac OS X issues, so it hasn't been un-serious.  I didn't vote for
> that section.

Well, that poll has accomplished its purpose, in that I know that the
majority of people taking the poll run into bugs in rdiff-backup.  I
think part of this is I need to take the development versions a bit
more seriously.  I've been a bit hypocritical in that I sometimes
advertise development features to, for instance, Mac OS X people, but
then I also sometimes have the "release early and often, the dev
version may eat your files" mentality.  So one thing I'll start doing
is using exclusively the development version personally, instead of
being lazy and using whatever version of rdiff-backup Fedora

(This is all assuming the bugs people find are mostly in the devel
version.  If not then I needed a new poll option like you said.)

Ben Escoto

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