micah wrote:
The one downside that maybe wasn't accounted for is that this breaks rdiff-backup between Debian stable and both Debian testing and unstable. This means that to backup a Debian stable system with rdiff-backup, one needs to backup to another stable system, whereas before this wasn't necessary.

the same thing happened when debian decided to include the devel version of rdiff-backup instead of the stable version. I think it was around sarge time.

Seeing as Debian Stable is likely to be around for at least another year, this is likely going to be an issue that comes up frequently until a new version of Debian is released. One solution is a backport.org version of the newer 1.1.12 version, but this is not a great solution either.

maybe we should build debs and put them on the rdiff-backup.org site.
would people be interested in my investigating that and making it happen?


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