Michael wrote:
I'm very new to rdiff-backup. I read a few places that if backup process is interrupted while in progress, the backup folder may be corrupted. Since every older version depend on the mirror copy, basically all the increments become useless. Have I got it right so far?

Hi Michael,
no, thats not quite correct - the increments are reverse differentials, and rdiff-backup handles each backup atomically, so if the backup is interrupted for any given backup run, then the changes in files that are relevant to that backup (the files that have changed or been added etc) are effectively lost on the destination. This is because rdiff-backup rolls the backup back to the last known good state on the next run if the previous run was interrupted - it calls this 'regresssing destination'.

The only time I have lost all the increments and have them become useless is when the filesystem on the destination is corrupted and files go missing at random or get messed up somehow. Depending on what gets corrupted, this can lose you all your increments. Its happened enough that at a couple of places that I also rdiff-backup the rdiff-backup repositories to another location/server. This is useful for disaster recovery etc as well of course - in the case of the backup server dieing.


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