
Her is my "whise list":

-Server on Centos (linux) over the net.
-A desktop application for the final user:
 - Select the folders to make backup on local PC
 - Select the current user and password to make backup
 - Select when the backup must be execute

If i need to configure rsa-key, add it to the server, etc. it would be not
easy (and if the ip of the client change will be a problem with ssh)

This or that way - you need to create account on the server. So isn't that easier to create account for user x, and set it's shell to rdiff- backup --server? (i'm not sure if you can add parameters into /etc/ passwd shell field; if you cannot, just create script rdiff-server.sh, make it default shell and put your rdiff-backup --server there - this approach has big advantage in your case: you can do a lot more on server side, like ie.: creating directory for this user backup).

Grzegorz Marszałek

rdiff-backup-users mailing list at rdiff-backup-users@nongnu.org
Wiki URL: http://rdiff-backup.solutionsfirst.com.au/index.php/RdiffBackupWiki

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