On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 04:12:16PM -0500, Daniel Miller wrote:
> On Nov 24, 2009, at 3:44 PM, listserv.traf...@sloop.net wrote:

> In my scenario the repository is synced to an external USB drive
> that gets rotated each day (i.e. each day I put yesterday's drive in
> storage and bring a different drive out of storage to use for the
> next backup). I use rsync to transfer my rdiff-backup repository
> (which gets updated daily) to the USB drive. Then I run rdiff-backup
> --verify-at-time to verify that the files on the USB drive are not
> corrupt. But lately this has been taking too long.

wouldn't the fact that you are reading lots of information from the usb
drive be slowing you down, why not run your --verify-at-time on the
local disk repo. and then when using rsync from local to usb us the -c
option to let rsync do a checksum on the files, but yuo are still going
to run into the slowness of USB drives

> Does that make sense?

> BTW, is this documented? I'm going to feel stupid if it is, because
> I did not see it when I read the docs (multiple times) for
> rdiff-backup.
> ~ Daniel
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"You know, it's hard work to try to love her as best as I can, knowing full 
well that the decision I made caused her loved one to be in harm's way."

        - George W. Bush
first presidential debate, Coral Gables, Fla.

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