Mozafar Roshany schrieb:
> Hi all
> I back up a directory to a remote system by rdiff-backup and I'm doing
> it as periodic cron jobs. How can I find out that a back-up session
> failed? I saw an entry at the FAQ that told about two
> current_mirror_XXXX files with different dates. Is it enough to check
> this situation?

Having two current_mirror files means that the last session was aborted.
But: Having only one current_mirror does not neccessarily mean that
everything went well. When rdiff-backup fails to write to the
destination or crashes early (out of memory or something) you would not

Looking if there was any output is a good idea, an other option is to
check the return code of rdiff-backup (from the man page):

>        If rdiff-backup finishes successfully, the exit status will be  0.   If
>        there  is  an unrecoverable (critical) error, it will be non-zero (usu‐
>        ally 1, but don't depend on this  specific  value).   When  setting  up
>        rdiff-backup  to  run  automatically (as from cron(8) or similar) it is
>        probably a good idea to check the exit code.


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