On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 12:43:15PM +0100, Patrice Dumas wrote:
> Hello,

Answering myself, I think I found the issue. In fs_abilities.py
in         def set_case_sensitive_readwrite(self, subdir):
the code is
                upper_a = subdir.append("A")
                lower_a = subdir.append("a")
                if lower_a.lstat():
                    .... system is case insensitive

but it seems like a stat on a file on a case insensitive filesystem
may fail for a different case:

du...@patoune:~$ rm -rf /media/HD-PEU2/td
du...@patoune:~$ mkdir /media/HD-PEU2/td
du...@patoune:~$ touch /media/HD-PEU2/td/A
du...@patoune:~$ stat /media/HD-PEU2/td/a
stat: cannot stat `/media/HD-PEU2/td/a': No such file or directory

And then
du...@patoune:~$ touch /media/HD-PEU2/td/a
touch: cannot touch `/media/HD-PEU2/td/a': File exists

Not sure if the bug is in my distribution, or if rdiff-backup should
test differently.

Also I can read python, but not really write it. Maybe  the best
approach is trying to touch lower_a and catch the failure, but I 
just can't code such complex task ;-)


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