
I get the following error when trying to make a backup:

Exception 'Bad index order: ('Images', 'Camera Images', '2009 06 UPP
Administrator Supervisor JA; C. Ma', 'Thumbs.db') >= ('Images',
'Camera Images', '2009 06 UPP Administrator Superv...

The FAQ says it is probably caused by a file changed during the
backup, but I doubt this is the case, since I have tried multiple
times, with no logged in users and after multiple reboots, and the
problem always persists with the same file.

It looks like the semicolon in the folder name might be upsetting it -
the error always occurs in the last file in the folder containing a
semicolon in the name, and does not occur during a normal backup, but
does occur during regressing files.

This is with rdiff-backup win32 standalone by the way.  Both host and
guest are win32, and no special settings have been set.
chars_to_escape has not been touched.

I'm using version 1.3.3, but I've also tried 1.2.8 with the same results.

Note, this error occurs after the following output:
Previous backup seems to have failed, regressing destination now.
Regressing to Fri Jan 01 15:54:09 2010
Regressing file 123R5W/2HUGH/BW.xls
... thousands more lines like this
Exception 'Bad index order: ('Images', 'Camera Images', '2009 06 UPP
Administrator Supervisor JA; C. Ma', 'Thumbs.db') >= ('Images',
'Camera Images', '2009 06 UPP Administrator Superv...

Any suggestions?


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