Am 01/04/10 18:25, schrieb taltman:

I'm looking to get feedback on a proposed home backup solution using
rdiff-backup. I'm new to backups, and I'm trying to strike a balance
between simplicity and adequate protection. I've read the rdiff-backup
webpage, documentation, and wiki, and I've been working through the
"Backup and Recovery" O'reilly book.

I basically have two laptops (one Mac and one Linux), one Linux virtual
web server, and one Linux workstation in my home setup. My current plan

1. Using 'unison' to sync between the machines, using the workstation as
the hub.
2. Using two 1 Tbyte externally enclosed hard drives.
3. Performing an initial rdiff-backup of the data partition on the
workstation to each of the external hard drives.
4. Taking one of the hard drives to an off-site location.
5. Using the remaining hard drive at home for daily/weekly rdiff-backups
6. Periodically switching the two external hard drives between my home
and the off-site location.

I'm not quite sure what's the best way to do #6. Should I mirror the two
external hard drives using a tool like rsync or unison? Or should I just
use rdiff-backup between the workstation and each individual external
hard drive?

Unison: No! You have to either mirror the other rdiff-backup dataset 1:1 ( I don't think Unsion is the weapon of choice here) or leave it alone, otherwise the history (reverse-deltas) will break.

rsync mirroring: Would work.
Advantage: You will have the full history on both drives.
Disadvantage: If one backup disk has subtle corruption you will mirror the junk to the other disk.

Just rdiff-backup:
Disadvantage: Every second month of history is on the other drive.
Advantage: Less hassle

Also, just to confirm my impression from reading the docs: currently,
rdiff-backup doesn't handle monthly/weekly/daily backup schedules


though I think there are a few ways to approximate
that. And I further realize that with rdiff-backup, there's less of a
need for those different levels of backups due to the compression/delta

Any help that you can provide to a newbie would be greatly appreciated!





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