The problem appears to be with some non-ASCII characters. What filesystems are you backing up to/from? Try with the switches --null-separator and/or --override-chars-to-quote, or if you are already using them, try without!


On 03/04/2011 16:28, Benjamin wrote:
Hello everyone!

Since this weekend (and i also remember that problem to have occured
earlier) i have a problem with rdiff-backup.
When I try to backup my files (with the same command a always used) i
get the following error (see below). At first a few notes on my
behavior: I normally backup all my files with the command see below.
Because that did not work with the following response:

[root@Banjo Benji]# rdiff-backup '/home/Benji'
Previous backup seems to have failed, regressing destination now.
^[[D^[[DSpecialFileError .gdesklets/sockets/%3A0.0 Socket error:
AF_UNIX path too long
ListError .gtk-bookmarks/.gvfs [Errno 13] Permission denied:
UpdateError Downloads/rdiff-backup.tmp.64562 [Errno 84] Invalid or
incomplete multibyte or wide character:
- Der Kampf der Strohh\x81tte.avi.2011-02-18T00:21:06+01:00.missing'

I then tried the following 15. from:

But also that did not help.

I then tried to make a whole new backup of my files with the following

[root@Banjo Desktop]# rdiff-backup '/home/Benji'
ListError .gtk-bookmarks/.gvfs [Errno 13] Permission denied:
OSError while renaming
to /media/Banjos_Wissen/Banjos_Backup/Downloads/330 - Der Kampf der
UpdateError Downloads/rdiff-backup.tmp.40180 [Errno 84] Invalid or
incomplete multibyte or wide character
That is the present problem, but I really like the simplicity of
rdiff-backup and don´t wanna change so please help me.

Thx. to you - Benjamin D.

Fedora 14
Kernel Linux

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