On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 12:24 AM Finnerty, Jim via Rdkit-devel <
rdkit-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

> Thank you, Paolo.  I found a generated export.h in Oxygen, used that, and
> got past that issue.
> The CMake script enforces a minimum Boost version of Boost-1.56.0, whereas
> we’re on Boost-1.55.0.  Since I’m using a PGXS-style make now, I tried
> building on Boost-1.55.0, and make doesn’t fail.  What is it that depends
> on Boost-1.56.0 that would probably fail if we’re running on Boost-1.55.0?
That's an interesting question. I'm really not sure what the answer is at
this point. It may be that whatever new features are being used or
whichever boost bug fixes happened are in parts of the code that you won't
end up using. So I think the best thing to probably do is just try things
out and see what happens.
If the build works and the tests pass, you're probably ok.
As an aside: boost 1.55 is pretty ancient (Nov 2013). I realize that this
likely isn't in your control, but it might be worth seeing if you can
update that.
(I notice below that it looks like you're actually using RHEL5, which is
even more ancient and out of support, so I'm going to guess you can't
change anything there)

> The CMake process also replaces some strings in the rdkit--3.8.sql file.
> One looks odd, though.  In OPERATOR CLASS gin_bfp_ops, the replacement
> skips over “5”.  Is this expected?
>     FUNCTION    4   gin_bfp_consistent(internal, int2, bfp, int4,
> internal, internal, internal, internal),
>     FUNCTION    6   gin_bfp_triconsistent(internal, int2, bfp, int4,
> internal, internal, internal), -- jlf    @RDKIT_GIN_BFP_TRICONSISTENT@

Yes, we don't define support function 5 for that operator. I don't have an
explanation for why not.

> Running with Boost-1.55.0 and using the definition above, without running
> CMake (and with a PGXS-style Makefile), rdkit.so does in fact build;
> however, when the extension is loaded it fails because symbol rdErrorLog is
> not defined.  How should I define it with my PGXS-style build process?
> postgres=# create extension rdkit;
> ERROR:  could not load library
> "/local/home/jfinnert/workspace/AuroraML/build/RDSManfredDev/RDSManfredDev-Development/RHEL5_64/DEV.STD.PTHREAD/build/RDSManfred/lib/postgresql/rdkit.so":
> /local/home/jfinnert/workspace/AuroraML/build/RDSManfredDev/RDSManfredDev-Development/RHEL5_64/DEV.STD.PTHREAD/build/RDSManfred/lib/postgresql/rdkit.so:
> undefined symbol: rdErrorLog

The symbol rdErrorLog should be defined in the library RDGeneral. Are you
linking against that?


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