Hi Sereina,

Sereina wrote:
> Regarding the AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate() method:
> As far as I understood, the PDB reader assigns bond orders to the amino acids 
> in a protein, but if a ligand is present it puts all bonds of it to SINGLE 
> bonds as auto bond-type perception is not trivial (see Roger's comments).
> However, usually one knows which ligand was crystallized (i.e. the SMILES is 
> available), so the AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate() method can be used to set 
> the bond orders based on the known ligand structure.
> This is the idea of the method. Now, to your real-world application. I'm 
> sorry but I don't think I understand it completely. Do you want to set only 
> the bond orders of a specific substructure?
> Or would you like to give the function a set of ligands and a set of 
> templates and it figures out which template belongs to which ligand and sets 
> the bonds orders accordingly? 

This is very likely to be me being stupid - so please bear with me!
If I read in a complex (pdb), and already have my reference ligand (lig), then 
AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate(lig, pdb) fails because the reference 
ligand has not been matched to the ligand in the pdb 'complex' (dot-separated 
list of molecules).
The doc-string states that the method works on two molecules - but I want to 
work on a reference molecule (lig) and a *substructure* of the macromolecule 
(pdb).  How should I be getting the bound ligand out as a molecule object to 
then use the AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate() method?  Am I missing some new 
PDB-related methods, or have I forgotten some fundamental RDKit methods for 
dealing with multi-component molecules?

I guess a sensible process would be:
1. Identify any HETATM residues
2. For each residue (or at least those that have bonds!) extract or copy the 
mol (unless it can be addressed 'in place'?)
3. Use AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate() - relying on lookup be eg residue name, 
4. Insert the molecule back into the complex (or update the info if it has been 
modified 'in place')

Is this how the method is intended to be used with complexes (and if so, do you 
have an example for steps 2 and 4?



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