On Thursday, April 24, 2014, Jan Holst Jensen <j...@biochemfusion.com> wrote:

> Hi Rdkitters,
> A colleague of mine has stumbled upon this page:
> http://www.rdkit.org/Python_Docs/rdkit.Chem.rdReducedGraphs-module.html

Weird, that shouldn't be there. I wonder how that happened.

> And so he asked me how to use it, because he couldn't find it. Neither
> can I, not even in the latest git version. Is this a special "secret"
> feature :-) ?

 It's a glimpse into the future! ;-)

The reduced graph code needs a but more testing and then it will go though
our approval process and be open sourced. Unfortunately it's been in that
state for a while since both Nik and I have been too busy to finish up the
testing. I will see if I can get it wrapped up and at least on a branch
sometime in the next month.

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