Hi all,

I have been playing around with RDKIT for a while now - great work guys!

I have recently hit an issue when using InChIs:

When generating both inchi and smiles from a rdkit Mol, I get two different
structures, even if I use the smiles as an input for the inchi generation.

An example:

smiles = "[H]N1C(=O)C(=C2C(=O)c3c(Cl)sc(F)c3N2[H])c2sc(F)c(Cl)c21" (I
should add this smiles was generated by RDKIT, from a Mol file)

mol = MolFromSmiles(smiles)
inchi = MolToInchi(mol)

print inchi

when comparing the smiles and the inchi, the C=O has changed to an OH and a
C-N-H  has changed to a C=N.  I realise that these are tautomers of each
other, but surely the tautomeric form should be preserved when
interchanging smiles to inchi? Since at the moment, going
Smiles->Inchi->Smiles does NOT result in the original smiles...

There is a layer in the INCHI standard which would allow description of
this, is there a way to turn that on?

Many Thanks,

Ed Pyzer-Knapp
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