Just to add, I can confirm that re-writing this in Python did indeed bounce
the memory issue I've been having.  Total consumption never crossed 0.1% of
my system memory.  :)  Way less than the 89% I was seeing with the Java
version of the same application!

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 2:05 PM, Matthew Lardy <mla...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> I know what you mean.  :)  I had tried that before, but executing an
> rdmol.delete() at the end of the loop didn't help.  And, I just re-tried
> that to no avail.
> I remember having a similar issue with the SDMolSupplier before, where
> just reading the file consumed a ton of memory.  This was patched, and all
> of the rest of my code runs well.  But if I want to sample from the
> SDMolSupplier stream, things go weird.  I had hoped to copy the each rdmol
> to a new object (reducing the leak) if I wanted to hold it for a time, but
> that didn't help either.  I am deleting every molecule that I hold, but
> there appears to be no impact on memory consumption.  I think that the JVM
> is asleep killing these objects, as forcing it to do so (well, as much as
> one can) doesn't fix things.
> I may just have to write this in Python, where I am pretty certain the
> memory issues are non-existant.  :)  I was hopeful that someone else may
> have encountered this issue, and had a path around it.
> Thanks for taking a look Greg!
> Matt
> On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 1:57 AM, Greg Landrum <greg.land...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It's not easy (for me) to read through the Java code and figure out what
>> is going on, but it looks to me like you are "leaking" rdmol in each
>> iteration of your loop.
>> The problem that the RDKit Java wrappers (really any Java wrapper created
>> with SWIG) has here is that the JVM doesn't know how big the underlying C++
>> object is, so it's not aggressive enough while cleaning up memory. I think
>> calling rdmol.delete() at the end of each iteration (this frees the
>> underlying C++ object) should help.
>> -greg
>> On Tuesday, July 14, 2015, Matthew Lardy <mla...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have had a strange issue that I can't seem to find a way around.  The
>>> following code block consumes a ton of memory, which is strange as just
>>> using the SD File reader I have no memory issues.  I think that the issue
>>> is related to the java garbage collection not being picked up, even though
>>> I have attempted to force that (to no success).
>>> All the following block does is iterate through an SD file and look for
>>> the highest (or lowest) scoring molecule for each molecule.  The assumption
>>> is that all molecules of the same type will be next to each other in the
>>> file (which is not my problem).  Running this on a SD file of around 400K
>>> molecules consumes around 23GB of memory, so if anyone has an idea I will
>>> be most appreciative!
>>>    public static void main(String argv[]) throws IOException,
>>> InterruptedException
>>>    {
>>>       CommandLineParser cParser;
>>>       String[] modes    = {};
>>>       String[] parms    = {"-in", "-filterTag", "-direction", "-out"};
>>>       String[] reqParms = {"-in", "-filterTag", "-direction", "-out"};
>>>       String rdkitSO = System.getenv("RDKIT_SO");
>>>       System.load(rdkitSO);
>>>       String currentDir   = System.getProperty("user.dir");
>>>       File dir = new File(currentDir);
>>>       cParser = new
>>> CommandLineParser(EXPLAIN,0,0,argv,modes,parms,reqParms);
>>>       ROMol rdmol  = null;
>>>       ROMol rdmol2 = null;
>>>       SDMolSupplier suppl = new SDMolSupplier(cParser.getValue("-in"));
>>>       SDWriter writer = new SDWriter(cParser.getValue("-out"));
>>>       int count = 0;
>>>       while (!suppl.atEnd())
>>>       {
>>>           count++;
>>>           if (count % 1000 == 0)
>>>           {
>>>              System.out.println(count);
>>>           }
>>>           rdmol = suppl.next();
>>>           if (rdmol2 == null)
>>>           {
>>> //             rdmol2.delete();
>>>              rdmol2 = new ROMol(rdmol);
>>>              continue;
>>>           }
>>>           if (rdmol.MolToSmiles().equals(rdmol2.MolToSmiles()))
>>>           {
>>>               if ( cParser.getValue("-direction").equals("highest") )
>>>               {
>>>                  double value1 =
>>> Double.parseDouble(rdmol.getProp(cParser.getValue("-filterTag")));
>>>                  double value2 =
>>> Double.parseDouble(rdmol2.getProp(cParser.getValue("-filterTag")));
>>>                  //System.out.println("Val1 " + value1 + " Val2 " +
>>> value2);
>>>                  if (value1 > value2)
>>>                  {
>>>                      rdmol2.delete();
>>>                      rdmol2 = new ROMol(rdmol);
>>>                  }
>>>               }
>>>               else
>>>               {
>>>                  if (
>>> Double.parseDouble(rdmol.getProp(cParser.getValue("-filterTag"))) <
>>> Double.parseDouble(rdmol2.getProp(cParser.getValue("-filterTag"))) )
>>>                  {
>>>                      rdmol2.delete();
>>>                      rdmol2 = new ROMol(rdmol);
>>>                  }
>>>               }
>>>           } else {
>>>               writer.write(rdmol2);
>>>               rdmol2.delete();
>>>               rdmol2 = new ROMol(rdmol);
>>>           }
>>>       }
>>>    }
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