Based on the code snippets, Paolo has not used the basic-knowledge terms 
whereas Tim did. 

When setting useExpTorsionAnglePrefs=True and useBasicKnowledge=True, a 
minimization is in principle not necessary anymore (unless there are aliphatic 
rings, because we currently don’t have torsion rules for them).


On 22 Jun 2016, at 05:02, Greg Landrum <> wrote:

> I don't have anything to add to the pieces about the alignment (Paolo is the 
> expert there!), but one comment on the conformation generation: If you used 
> the background knowledge terms in the embedding, I don't think you should be 
> getting the really distorted aromatic rings. Since in this case that does 
> happen, for at least some conformations, I suspect there may be something 
> wrong in the code.
> I'll take a look at that (and ask Sereina too).
> Best,
> -greg
> On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 10:30 PM, Paolo Tosco <> wrote:
> Dear Tim,
> the Align() method returns an RMSD value, which however is computed only on a 
> limited number of atom pairs, namely those that the algorithm was able to 
> match between the two molecules, so a low value is not particularly 
> informative of the overall goodness of the alignment, as it only indicates 
> that the matched atoms were matched nicely, but there might only be a few of 
> those in the core, while side chains are scattered all over.
> The Score() method instead returns the O3AScore for the alignment, which is a 
> better way to assess the quality of the superimposition.
> The other problem in your script is that the i index is incremented before 
> recording it in the lowest/highest variables, so the confIds are shifted by 
> 1, as the conformation index in the RDKit is 0-based.
> I also noticed that without minimizing the conformations the aromatic rings 
> look quite distorted, so I added a MMFF minimization, and I increased the 
> number of generated conformations and the pruneRmsThreshold. Setting to False 
> the experimental torsion angle preferences and basic knowledge about rings 
> seems to yield a larger variety of geometries which helps reproducing this 
> quite peculiar x-ray geometry which is probably not so commonly found. Please 
> find the modified script below.
> Hope this helps, kind regards
> Paolo
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> from rdkit import Chem, RDConfig
> from rdkit.Chem import AllChem, rdMolAlign
> ref = 
> Chem.MolFromSmiles('NC(=[NH2+])c1ccc(C[C@@H](NC(=O)CNS(=O)(=O)c2ccc3ccccc3c2)C(=O)N2CCCCC2)cc1')
> mol1 = 
> Chem.MolFromPDBFile(RDConfig.RDBaseDir+'/rdkit/Chem/test_data/1DWD_ligand.pdb')
> mol1 = AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate(ref, mol1)
> mol2 = 
> Chem.MolFromPDBFile(RDConfig.RDBaseDir+'/rdkit/Chem/test_data/1PPC_ligand.pdb')
> mol2 = AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate(ref, mol2)
> pyO3A = rdMolAlign.GetO3A(mol1, mol2)
> rmsd = pyO3A.Align()
> score = pyO3A.Score()
> print "Orig",score
> Chem.MolToMolFile(mol1, "orig.mol")
> cids = AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(mol1, numConfs=250, maxAttempts=100,
>     pruneRmsThresh=0.5, useExpTorsionAnglePrefs=False,
>     useBasicKnowledge=False)
> AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMoleculeConfs(mol1, mmffVariant='MMFF94s')
> pyO3As = rdMolAlign.GetO3AForProbeConfs(mol1, mol2, numThreads=0)
> i = 0
> lowest = 999999999.9
> highest = 0.0
> for pyO3A in pyO3As:
>     rmsd = pyO3A.Align()
>     score = pyO3A.Score()
>     if score < lowest:
>         lowest = score
>         lowestConfId = i
>     if score > highest:
>         highest = score
>         highestConfId = i
>     i +=1
> print "Lowest:", lowest, lowestConfId
> print "Highest:", highest, highestConfId
> Chem.MolToMolFile(mol1, "lowest.mol", confId=lowestConfId)
> Chem.MolToMolFile(mol1, "highest.mol", confId=highestConfId)
> On 06/21/16 15:41, Tim Dudgeon wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm trying to get to grips with using Open3D Align in RDKit, but hitting 
>> problems.
>> My approach is to generate random conformers of the probe molecule and align 
>> it to the reference molecule.  My example is cobbled together from the 
>> examples in the cookbook.
>> from rdkit import Chem, RDConfig
>> from rdkit.Chem import AllChem, rdMolAlign
>> ref = 
>> Chem.MolFromSmiles('NC(=[NH2+])c1ccc(C[C@@H](NC(=O)CNS(=O)(=O)c2ccc3ccccc3c2)C(=O)N2CCCCC2)cc1')
>> mol1 = 
>> Chem.MolFromPDBFile(RDConfig.RDBaseDir+'/rdkit/Chem/test_data/1DWD_ligand.pdb')
>> mol1 = AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate(ref, mol1)
>> mol2 = 
>> Chem.MolFromPDBFile(RDConfig.RDBaseDir+'/rdkit/Chem/test_data/1PPC_ligand.pdb')
>> mol2 = AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate(ref, mol2)
>> pyO3A = rdMolAlign.GetO3A(mol1, mol2)
>> score = pyO3A.Align()
>> print "Orig",score
>> Chem.MolToMolFile(mol1, "orig.mol")
>> cids = AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(mol1, numConfs=100, maxAttempts=100, 
>> pruneRmsThresh=0.1, useExpTorsionAnglePrefs=True, useBasicKnowledge=True)
>> pyO3As = rdMolAlign.GetO3AForProbeConfs(mol1, mol2, numThreads=0)
>> i = 0
>> lowest = 999999999.9
>> highest = 0.0
>> for pyO3A in pyO3As:
>>     i +=1
>>     score = pyO3A.Align()
>>     if score < lowest:
>>         lowest = score
>>         lowestConfId = i
>>     if score > highest:
>>         highest = score
>>         highestConfId = i
>> print "Lowest:", lowest, lowestConfId
>> print "Highest:", highest, highestConfId
>> Chem.MolToMolFile(mol1, "lowest.mol", confId=lowestConfId)
>> Chem.MolToMolFile(mol1, "highest.mol", confId=highestConfId)
>> What I'm finding is that the alignments with the lowest and highest O3A 
>> scores are much worse alignments (visually) than the original structure (the 
>> structure from 1DWD). Typical scores are:
>> Original 1DWD structure: 0.38
>> Lowest scoring conformer: 0.186
>> Highest scoring conformer: 0.78
>> Now I'm assuming that lower O3A align scores are better (though that's not 
>> specifically stated), so as my lowest score is lower than the original 
>> alignment I would have expected it to be a better alignment, but its clearly 
>> much worse. And if I'm wrong and higher scores are better then the same 
>> applies.  
>> Clearly I've not understood something correctly!
>> Tim
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