Hello RDkitters,

I'm a user interested in the more of the catalytic side of the chemistry 
involving radical chemistry. I found a couple deficiency in RDkit functionality 
regarding this.

1. rdqueries module in python wrapper lacks a query for number of radical 

I can work around this if I know the atomic number of the species and use the 
default valence with total valence queries, but it's not possible for atom 
query where atomic number is not well-defined.

2. ResonanceMolSupplier module in python wrapper does not enumerate the radical 
resonance structure. For example,

mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('[CH2]C=CC')

resmols = ResonanceMolSupplier(mol)

for resmol in resmols:

    print Chem.MolToSmiles(resmol)

should produce two molecules: [CH2]C=CC and C=C[CH]C. But only produce the 
original molecule.

It seems that the enumerator only looks at the resonance structure of charged 
species, because when I do the same procedure with charged species, (i.e. 
replace the smiles of the code above to [CH2+]C=CC), it produces [CH2+]C=CC and 
C=C[CH+]C just fine.

I apologize for not working on these issues myself. I'm not very familiar with 
C++, and do not have much time in my hand..

Thank you very much,

Geun Ho Gu

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