We've been looking at something similar - the following code spits out a 
canonical smiles string for each atom based at a radius of 1...maxradius.

def atomenvironments(mol, atno, maxradius=6):
        for a in mol.GetAtoms():
                idx = a.GetIdx()
                print atno, idx, 0, a.GetSmarts()
                for iradius in xrange(0, maxradius+1):
                        env = Chem.FindAtomEnvironmentOfRadiusN(mol, iradius, 
                        amap = {}
                        submol=Chem.PathToSubmol(mol, env, atomMap=amap)
                        if amap.get(idx) is not None:
                                print atno, idx, iradius, 
Chem.MolToSmiles(submol, rootedAtAtom=amap[idx], canonical=True)

You can then load the output into a DB for searching.  You might be able to 
tweak this to suit your purposes?

best wishes

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Swain [mailto:sw...@mac.com]
Sent: 20 November 2016 18:44
To: rdkit-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Rdkit-discuss] Atom Environments


I have a project where I would like to find similar atom environments to a 
specified atom in a selected molecule.

For example

Suppose I have this query molecule C1CNCC(C1)c1ccccc1, and the selected atom is 
the nitrogen.

I also have a file containing SMILES strings and ID for a list of reference 

I would like to identify the molecule within the references molecules that 
contains a nitrogen most similar to the selected atom in the query molecule 
even if the rest of the molecule is very different.

My feeling is to start with say a 3 atom radius and if no similar atom is found 
above a set similarity to repeat the search using a 2 atom radius, but to be 
honest I suspect it will require a bit of trial and error to see what the 
optimum radius is?

I'd then want to return the ID of the most similar molecule.

I’ve had a look through the examples but not found anything that close.



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