Hi all,

I'm trying to work with Chembl23, calculating ChemFP fingerprints.  Some 
compounds contain non-standard heavy atoms, e.g. this one containing Te:


My workflow is to convert SDF format to SMILES as I find it easier to correct 
any minor errors.  I'm trying to calculate the fingerprints using ChemFP and 
RDKit as follows:

rdkit2fps \
    --id-tag "Molecule Name" \
    chembl_23.fixed.smi \
    -o rdkit_chembl_23.fixed.fps

but I get the following error:

[11:37:55] Explicit valence for atom # 6 Te, 4, is greater than permitted
ERROR: Cannot parse the SMILES 'CC(C)(/C(=C\\Cl)/[Te-2](c1ccc(cc1)OC)(Cl)Cl)O' 
at line 155850 of chembl_23.fixed.smi. Exiting.[11:39:23] Explicit valence for 
atom # 6 Te, 6, is greater than permitted

How should atoms non-standard heavy atoms like Te be treated?

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