
I am trying to add ErG fingerprints to PostgreSQL using the following post as a 


My installation is as follows:

Debian 3.16.43-2
rdkit                     2016.03.4           np111py27_1    rdkit
rdkit-postgresql          2016.03.4                py27_1    rdkit

In the example linked above, I had to replace the following line with the next 
line (presumably because I am running python 2.7 instead of 3.x):
m = Chem.Mol(pkl.tobytes())
m = Chem.Mol(str(pkl))

I then run into the following two problems:

First problem: Null characters.  When I run the example script (using the 
Sheridan bit vector fingerprints), I generate the following error message:

curs.executemany('insert into fps values 
(%s,bfp_from_binary_text(%s))',[(x,DataStructs.BitVectToBinaryText(y)) for x,y 
in fps])
ValueError: A string literal cannot contain NUL (0x00) characters.

I am not sure what I should do here.  I could strip the null characters from 
the binary text, but are the null characters supposed to be there? Should I use 
the bytea data type on PostgreSQL side?

Second problem: convert numpy array into bit vector

The linked example creates a fingerprint as a bit vector:
fp = 

whereas rdReducedGraphs.GetErGFingerprint method produces a numpy array:
fp = rdReducedGraphs.GetErGFingerprint(m)

Is there anyway of converting this numpy array into a bit vector?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks,


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