Hi Luan!

I was trying to use it but I am still struggling with very basic problems.
What you are saying is that I can delete the UFFOptimizeMolecule and add a
loop with ConstrainedEmbed to minimize with constraints?

in my script, using:

for cid in cids:

I get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
line 274, in ConstrainedEmbed
    match = mol.GetSubstructMatch(core)
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'GetSubstructMatch'

what I am missing?


2018-03-23 16:19 GMT-03:00 Luan Carvalho Martins <

> When you used AllChem.UFFOptimizeMolecule(newMol3D,confId=cid) the
> minimization proceeded without constraints, therefore, the core embedding
> was lost. Read the source of ConstrainedEmbed [
> http://www.rdkit.org/Python_Docs/rdkit.Chem.AllChem-pysrc.
> html#ConstrainedEmbed]. This function does a restricted minimization
> using AddDistanceConstraint.
> Sincerely,
> Luan Carvalho.
> Atenciosamente, Luan Carvalho Martins
> luancarvalhomart...@gmail.com
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 3:56 PM, Felipe Trajtenberg <felipet...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Paolo
>> great! it was a very simple thing. Now the sdf file with the conformers
>> is generated but the conformers were not constraints at the core of the
>> ligand...as I was trying? can you tell me why?
>> thanks a lot!
>> felipet
>> 2018-03-23 15:37 GMT-03:00 Paolo Tosco <paolo.to...@unito.it>:
>>> Dear Felipe,
>>> cids is a list of conformer ids, i.e. integer numbers. Therefore
>>> prbMol = cids[prbNum]
>>> sets prbMol to the integer value of the prbNum element of the cids list.
>>> The reason of the error message you are getting:
>>> Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
>>>     SDWriter.write(SDWriter, int)
>>> did not match C++ signature:
>>>     write(RDKit::SDWriter {lvalue} self, RDKit::ROMol {lvalue} mol, int
>>> confId=-1)
>>> is that you are passing only an int to SDWriter.write(), rather than a
>>> mol and an int as the function expects.
>>> What you need is:
>>> nMol = len(cids)
>>> w = Chem.SDWriter('conf_output.sdf')
>>> for prbNum in range(0, nMol):
>>>     prbMol = cids[prbNum]
>>>     w.write(newMol3D, prbMol)
>>> w.close()
>>> or, more simply:
>>> w = Chem.SDWriter('conf_output.sdf')
>>> for cid in cids:
>>>     w.write(newMol3D, cid)
>>> w.close()
>>> Cheers,
>>> p.
>>> On 03/23/18 18:04, Felipe Trajtenberg wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> sorry but I am really new at using RDkit. By looking at the scripts and
>>> tutorial available I wrote the following script. The idea is to generate a
>>> number of conformers for a big and flexible ligand, but with constraints.
>>> This script generate a set of conformers but I can't write a SDF file with
>>> all of them. The error I get is:
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "<stdin>", line 3, in <module>
>>> Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
>>>     SDWriter.write(SDWriter, int)
>>> did not match C++ signature:
>>>     write(RDKit::SDWriter {lvalue} self, RDKit::ROMol {lvalue} mol, int
>>> confId=-1)
>>> Thanks in advance for any help
>>> felipet
>>> The script is:
>>> from rdkit import Chem
>>> from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
>>> import os
>>> mols = [x for x in Chem.SDMolSupplier('out.CRC.sdf',removeHs=False) if
>>> x is not None]
>>> core = Chem.MolFromSmarts('CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O')
>>> em = Chem.EditableMol(mols[0])
>>> match = mols[0].GetSubstructMatch(core)
>>> for idx in range(mols[0].GetNumAtoms()-1,-1,-1):
>>>     if idx not in match:
>>>         em.RemoveAtom(idx)
>>> coreMol = em.GetMol()
>>> Chem.SanitizeMol(coreMol)
>>> newMol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC(O)=O')
>>> newMol=Chem.AddHs(newMol)
>>> newMol3D=AllChem.ConstrainedEmbed(newMol,coreMol)
>>> cids=AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(newMol3D,numConfs=100,pruneR
>>> msThresh=1.0,enforceChirality=True)
>>> for cid in cids: AllChem.UFFOptimizeMolecule(newMol3D,confId=cid)
>>> nMol = len(cids)
>>> w = Chem.SDWriter('conf_output.sdf')
>>> for prbNum in range(0, nMol):
>>>     prbMol = cids[prbNum]
>>>     w.write(prbMol)
>>> w.close()
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