Have you tried a merge (after branching the master to something like
master-test-merge and then merge modern_cxx) ? How horrible does it look?
It might be quiet okay. Or do you really have a lot of changes in the
current master you don't have/want to have in modern_cxx and the future
master. And well, it just was a concern by me that avoiding "early" horrors
might cause bigger horrors later :-). Renaming the master in a GIT
repository is something I wouldn't do easily - I would regard it more like
a very, very last resort because if the master is renamed (or replaced by
another branch), any branch in any remote repository by anybody who ever
branched from master (including the RDKit github repository) becomes
potentially (very likely) invalid by this step. Only if this is a small
concern, I would do it (I doubt it is in case of RDKit).


On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 11:56 AM, Greg Landrum <greg.land...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 11:27 AM, Markus Sitzmann <
> markus.sitzm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Greg,
>> >  Concretely what this means in github is that the current master
>> branch will be renamed to legacy and the modern_cxx branch will be renamed
>> to master.
>> I hope you are not actually just renaming it - although I am not affected
>> personally, that might be a call for trouble because it invalidates any
>> remote repository of rdkit.
> If you have suggestions for how to do a large-delta change like that in a
> non-horrible manner, I would love to hear them :-)
> -greg
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