As some of you will know I am creating various Docker images for RDKit.
See [1] and [2] if you want to know more.
The key to these is building RPM and DEB packages using `cpack`.
This is mostly working pretty well as you will see in those links.
Now I'm wanting to extend this to building images for the postgres
cartridge and I'm at a point where I'm stuck and would welcome some advice.
I just modified the build process on Debian [3] to include the postgres
packages and the add the options to cmake for building the cartridge.
That all went OK and I end up with a functioning cartridge.
The key part of the Dockerfile looks like this:
RUN cmake -Wno-dev\
RUN nproc=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)\
&& make -j $(( nproc > 2 ? nproc - 2 : 1 ))\
&& make install\
&& sh Code/PgSQL/rdkit/\
&& cpack -G DEB\
&& cpack -G RPM
But what I was hoping is that cpack would magically create DEB and RPM
packages for postgres for me, but that does not seem to be the case. If
only life were so simple:-)
I know there are processes in place that can build these packages for
cartridge (certainly for Centos) but it's not obvious to me how these
work and whether this is in any way related to the way that cpack is
being used here.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
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