Dear Phuong,

it works for me with the latest RDKit release. I am wondering if you are using an older RDKit version where maybe the PDB parser was not assigning formal charges based on connectivity? Then you would have to manually set the formal charge of the protonated nitrogen atom (# 2 N) to +1.


On 08/22/18 19:06, Phuong Chau wrote:
Hi Paolo,

I got this new error when I tried with different chemicals:

python CCNC\(N\)N_afterMD.pdb CC\[NH2\+\]CCN_Ligpargen.pdb
[12:02:45] Explicit valence for atom # 2 N, 4, is greater than permitted
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 12, in <module>
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
did not match C++ signature:
    EmbedMolecule(RDKit::ROMol {lvalue} mol, unsigned int maxAttempts=0, int randomSeed=-1, bool clearConfs=True, bool useRandomCoords=False, double boxSizeMult=2.0, bool randNegEig=True, unsigned int numZeroFail=1, boost::python::dict {lvalue} coordMap={}, double forceTol=0.001, bool ignoreSmoothingFailures=False)

The second argument I also downloaded it from Ligpargen but it gave me this error. I am not so sure why it happened.

I also attached the two files :

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 3:19 PM, Paolo Tosco < <>> wrote:

    Hi Phuong,

    it does have hydrogens after the alignment:

    $ ls
    UNK_A1C198.pdb  drug.pdb

    $ python drug.pdb UNK_A1C198.pdb

    $ ls
    UNK.pdb UNK_A1C198.pdb  drug.pdb

    $ cat UNK.pdb
    ATOM      1  C00 UNK     1      37.884  56.016 51.678  1.00 
    0.00           C
    ATOM      2  C01 UNK     1      37.501  54.554 51.968  1.00 
    0.00           C
    ATOM      3  C02 UNK     1      36.085  54.316 52.531  1.00 
    0.00           C
    ATOM      4  C03 UNK     1      35.697  55.221 53.715  1.00 
    0.00           C
    ATOM      5  C04 UNK     1      34.907  56.485 53.304  1.00 
    0.00           C
    ATOM      6  C05 UNK     1      35.788  57.733 53.108  1.00 
    0.00           C
    ATOM      7  C06 UNK     1      36.227  57.998 51.654  1.00 
    0.00           C
    ATOM      8  C07 UNK     1      36.813  56.799 50.889  1.00 
    0.00           C
    ATOM      9  H08 UNK     1      38.821  56.001 51.080  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     10  H09 UNK     1      38.160  56.522 52.625  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     11  H0A UNK     1      37.598  53.969 51.027  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     12  H0B UNK     1      38.243  54.138 52.684  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     13  H0C UNK     1      35.325  54.368 51.723  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     14  H0D UNK     1      36.057  53.262 52.884  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     15  H0E UNK     1      35.031  54.622 54.375  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     16  H0F UNK     1      36.586  55.471 54.333  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     17  H0G UNK     1      34.203  56.712 54.134  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     18  H0H UNK     1      34.270  56.304 52.411  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     19  H0I UNK     1      35.198  58.620 53.428  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     20  H0J UNK     1      36.665  57.714 53.788  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     21  H0K UNK     1      36.982  58.814 51.667  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     22  H0M UNK     1      35.352  58.378 51.082  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     23  H0N UNK     1      35.991  56.144 50.537  1.00 
    0.00           H
    ATOM     24  H0O UNK     1      37.280  57.194 49.960  1.00 
    0.00           H
    CONECT    1    2    8    9   10
    CONECT    2    3   11   12
    CONECT    3    4   13   14
    CONECT    4    5   15   16
    CONECT    5    6   17   18
    CONECT    6    7   19   20
    CONECT    7    8   21   22
    CONECT    8   23   24


    On 08/21/18 20:46, Phuong Chau wrote:
    Hi Paolo,

    I tried the code, it worked with the alignment but the new
    chemical after alignment still does not have any H atoms. If I
    add H after alignment, it has weird structure with H atoms. Would
    you please show me how to fix this problem?

    Phuong Chau

    On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 8:01 AM, Paolo Tosco
    < <>>

        Hi Phuong,

        If you wish to retain Hs you just need to set removeHs =
        False when you call MolFromPDBFile():


        import sys
        from rdkit import Chem
        from rdkit.Chem import rdDistGeom, rdMolAlign,
        from rdkit import Chem

        refMolwithH = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(sys.argv[1], removeHs = False)
        s = sys.argv[2]
        prbMolwithH = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(s, removeHs = False)
        chemB= s[:idx]


        pyO3A = rdMolAlign.GetO3A(prbMolwithH, refMolwithH)
        score = pyO3A.Align()

        ##3D coords of Chem B after alignmnet

        and then

        ./ drug.pdb UNK_A1C198.pdb


        On 08/20/18 19:02, Phuong Chau wrote:
        Hello everyone,

        I am trying to align two chemicals using their pdb files
        with the following script:

        *refMolwithH = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(sys.argv[1])*
        *s = sys.argv[2]*
        *prbMolwithH = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(s)*
        *chemB= s[:idx]*
        *pyO3A = rdMolAlign.GetO3A(prbMolwithH, refMolwithH)*
        *score = pyO3A.Align()*
        *##3D coords of Chem B after alignmnet*

        The probe chemical pdb is generated from GRO file generated
        from LigParGen browser by this script:
        *gmx editconf -f input.gro -o output.pdb*

        The problem is the new aligned chemical is not aligned with
        the refMol but with probMol and the new chemical does not
        have H atoms on it.

        Would you please help me with this problem? Are there other
        ways to align the pdb files generated from LIgParGen?

        Thank you so much for your help

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-- Phuong Chau
    Smith College '20
    Engineering Major

Phuong Chau
Smith College '20
Engineering Major

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