Hi all,


I’m playing with the Coordgen library inside rdkit and I have a couple of 
questions I could not figure out by myself. Hopefully someone more experienced 
will know.

[comment] The way one can pass a scaling factor to the bond size is very 
unintuitive. If I don’t provide any parameter a single bond length is 1.0. If I 
pass 1.5 as a scaling factor, I’d expect to get single bond of a length 1.5. 
But instead I get 33.3. (measured in pymol) 


from rdkit import Chem

from rdkit.Chem import rdCoordGen


mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('Cc1ccccc1', sanitize=True)

mol1 = Chem.MolFromSmiles('Cc1ccccc1', sanitize=True)


p = rdCoordGen.CoordGenParams()

p.coordgenScaling = 1.5



rdCoordGen.AddCoords(mol1, p)


Chem.MolToMolFile(mol, 'default.sdf') # bond length 1

Chem.MolToMolFile(mol1, '1.5_scale.sdf') # bond length 33.3



                Is that intended?

Is there any way to modify templates, which can be passed as the 
‘templateFileDir’ parameter to match general groups and bonds as described 
here: http://rdkit.blogspot.com/2016/07/tuning-substructure-queries-ii.html? 
By default, rdCoordGen module writes to stderr by putting ‘TEMPLATES: 
/path/to/templates’ line for each depiction generated. Is there any simple way 
of muting that piece of information without manually hijacking the stderr 
(rdkit.rdBase.DisableLog('rdApp.*') does not work)?

Thanks for possible suggestions.






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