Sorry, forgot to attach the file

From: Xuan Cao <>
Sent: January 24, 2019 13:44
Subject: [Rdkit-discuss] ctest failed while trying to build the rdkit from 


I am trying to build the rdkit from source on a fresh new ubuntu18.04 virutal 
machine with virtual box (I did sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade; etc.).

I successfully executed "sudo cmake ..", "sudo make", "sudo make install" 
commands, but the sudo ctest gave me only 29% tests passed (I attached file 
with failed test).

Then I tried the c++ example from rdkit/Docs/Book/. When I compile the code 
with "#include <GraphMol/GraphMol.h>", the system couldn't find the the header 
file: GraphMol/GraphMol.h.

I also tried to directly import rdkit by executing "from rdkit import Chem" 
from python script, but it complain about no module named "rdkit".

I know that conda install works (I can import rdkit with conda), but I want to 
use rdkit functionalities without any virtual environment, so I choose to build 
from source.

Is there any suggestion that can help to use rdkit from source without any 
virtualenv (python or cpp)?

Any help appreciated!


The following tests FAILED:
          2 - pyCoordGen (Failed)
          4 - testRDValue (Child aborted)
          5 - testDataStructs (Child aborted)
          6 - testFPB (Child aborted)
          7 - testMultiFPB (Child aborted)
          8 - pyBV (Failed)
          9 - pyDiscreteValueVect (Failed)
         10 - pySparseIntVect (Failed)
         11 - pyFPB (Failed)
         13 - testGrid (Child aborted)
         14 - testPyGeometry (Failed)
         17 - pyAlignment (Failed)
         20 - testMMFFForceField (Child aborted)
         21 - pyForceFieldConstraints (Failed)
         23 - pyDistGeom (Failed)
         24 - graphmolTest1 (Child aborted)
         27 - graphmolMolOpsTest (SEGFAULT)
         29 - graphmoltestChirality (Child aborted)
         30 - graphmoltestPickler (Child aborted)
         33 - hanoiTest (Child aborted)
         35 - resMolSupplierTest (Child aborted)
         38 - graphmolTestsCatch (Failed)
         39 - testDepictor (Child aborted)
         40 - pyDepictor (Failed)
         46 - fileParsersTest1 (Child aborted)
         47 - testMolSupplier (Child aborted)
         48 - testMolWriter (Child aborted)
         49 - testTplParser (Child aborted)
         50 - testMol2ToMol (Child aborted)
         52 - testExtendedStereoParsing (Child aborted)
         53 - fileParsersCatchTest (Failed)
         54 - testSubstructMatch (Child aborted)
         55 - testReaction (Child aborted)
         59 - pyChemReactions (Failed)
         60 - pyChemReactionEnumerations (Failed)
         61 - pyChemReactionSanitize (Failed)
         62 - testChemTransforms (Child aborted)
         65 - filterCatalogTest (Child aborted)
         66 - pyFilterCatalog (Failed)
         67 - testFragCatalog (Child aborted)
         68 - pyFragCatalog (Failed)
         69 - testDescriptors (Child aborted)
         70 - testAUTOCORR2D (Child aborted)
         71 - pyMolDescriptors (Failed)
         72 - pyMolDescriptors3D (Failed)
         73 - testFingerprints (Child aborted)
         74 - testFingerprintGenerators (Child aborted)
         75 - pyTestGenerator (Failed)
         77 - pyPartialCharges (Failed)
         78 - testMolTransforms (Child aborted)
         79 - pyMolTransforms (Failed)
         80 - testMMFFForceFieldHelpers (Child aborted)
         81 - testUFFForceFieldHelpers (Child aborted)
         83 - pyForceFieldHelpers (Failed)
         84 - testDistGeomHelpers (Child aborted)
         85 - pyDistGeomHelpers (Failed)
         86 - testMolAlign (Child aborted)
         87 - pyMolAlign (Failed)
         88 - testFeatures (Child aborted)
         89 - pyChemicalFeatures (Failed)
         90 - testShapeHelpers (Child aborted)
         91 - pyShapeHelpers (Failed)
         93 - pyMolCatalog (Failed)
         94 - moldraw2DTest1 (Child aborted)
         96 - pyMolDraw2D (Failed)
         98 - pyFMCS (Failed)
        101 - pyMolHash (Failed)
        103 - pyMMPA (Failed)
        104 - testStructChecker (Child aborted)
        105 - pyStructChecker (Failed)
        107 - pyReducedGraphs (Failed)
        108 - trajectoryTest (Child aborted)
        109 - substructLibraryTest (Child aborted)
        110 - pySubstructLibrary (Failed)
        112 - pyRGroupDecomposition (Failed)
        113 - molInterchangeTest1 (Child aborted)
        114 - pyMolInterchange (Failed)
        116 - pySLNParse (Failed)
        117 - pyGraphMolWrap (Failed)
        118 - pyTestConformerWrap (Failed)
        119 - pyTestTrajectory (Failed)
        120 - pyTestThreads (Failed)
        121 - molStandardizeTest (Child aborted)
        122 - molNormalizeTest (Child aborted)
        123 - molValidateTest (Child aborted)
        124 - molChargeTest (Child aborted)
        125 - molTautomerTest (Child aborted)
        126 - molStandardizeSmallTest (Child aborted)
        127 - molFragmentTest (Child aborted)
        128 - pyMolStandardize (Failed)
        131 - pyMatCalc (Failed)
        133 - pySimDivPickers (Failed)
        134 - pyRanker (Failed)
        136 - pyFeatures (Failed)
        137 - pythonTestDbCLI (Failed)
        138 - pythonTestDirML (Failed)
        139 - pythonTestDirDataStructs (Failed)
        140 - pythonTestDirDbase (Failed)
        141 - pythonTestDirSimDivFilters (Failed)
        142 - pythonTestDirVLib (Failed)
        143 - pythonTestDirChem (Failed)
        144 - pythonTestSping (Failed)
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