Yes I know it's a tautomer, but I don't figure out how to handle it without returning to the other form. If I transform the SINGLE bond to AROMATIC, it can't be sanitized still returns 0 NAR....


On 06/03/19 11:11, Michal Krompiec wrote:
It’s because the molecule with atom indices is a tautomer of the other one (H at the other N), hence different Kekule structure and different behaviour of the aromaticity perception code.

On Wed, 6 Mar 2019 at 10:04, Colin Bournez < <>> wrote:

    Hi Greg,

    Indeed it seems one bond is not tagged as aromatic.

    Here are the aromatics bond (begin atom, end atom) :

    0 1
    1 19
    19 16
    11 14
    14 12
    12 7
    7 20
    11 0
    20 16

    We see that between the atom 11 and 16 it is not aromatic.
    It is a single type:
    16 11 SINGLE

    The problem remains after sanitizing the molecule and both atoms are tagged 
as aromatic.
    A bond between two aromatic atoms can be single?

    On 06/03/19 10:49, Greg Landrum wrote:
    Hi Colin,
    The aromatic ring counting code identifies rings where every
    *bond* is aromatic, so I guess one or more bonds in the rings of
    the first molecule are not aromatic.
    Could it be that you haven't sanitized the molecule before
    calculating descriptors?
    On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 6:00 PM Colin Bournez
    <>> wrote:

        Dear all, I might have encountered a little problem
        concerning the function
        rdMolDescriptors.CalcNumAromaticRings(). For this molecule
        shown with index:

        Here is what I do :

        So I have as expected my aromatic atoms but when I ask for aromatic 
Rings it returns 0 instead of two.
        Anyone has an idea?

        For information if the molecule is in that form

        It returns 2 NAR as expected.


-- *Bournez Colin *
        <> /Chemoinformatics PhD Student /
        * Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry (ICOA
        UMR7311)*  Université d'Orléans - Pôle de Chimie  Rue de
        Chartres - BP 6759  45067 Orléans Cedex 2 - France  +33
        (0)2 38 49 45 77 <tel:+33%202%2038%2049%2045%2077> SBC Tool
        Platform <> - SBC Team
        <>        <>


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-- *Bournez Colin *
    <> /Chemoinformatics PhD Student /
    * Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry (ICOA UMR7311)*
     Université d'Orléans - Pôle de Chimie  Rue de Chartres - BP 6759
     45067 Orléans Cedex 2 - France  +33 (0)2 38 49 45 77
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-- Signature
*Bournez Colin * <>  <> /Chemoinformatics PhD Student / * Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry (ICOA UMR7311)* Université d'Orléans - Pôle de Chimie Rue de Chartres - BP 6759 45067 Orléans Cedex 2 - France  +33 (0)2 38 49 45 77 <tel:+33%202%2038%2049%2045%2077> SBC Tool Platform <> - SBC Team <>  <> <>

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