first of all, many thanks for this awesome library.

I have little to none knowledge of chemistry, so I hope you'll excuse me if
I say some chemical nonsense below.

I have a fragmented molecule (fragmentation being done with the BRICS
implementation in rdkit) which (for example) looks like this:

frags = ['[8*]C(C)(C)C',  '[16*]c1ccc2occ([16*])c2c1']

Say I want to join the two fragments in the list. Then, I would write:

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import BRICS
frags = ['[8*]C(C)(C)C',  '[16*]c1ccc2occ([16*])c2c1']
molfrags = [Chem.MolFromSmiles(f) for f in frags]
combined = list(BRICS.BRICSBuild(molfrags, maxDepth=1))[0] # maxDepth=1
gives me 1 result in this case
print(Chem.MolToSmiles(combined, True)) # 'CC(C)(C)c1ccc2occ(C(C)(C)C)c2c1'

If I understood this code correctly, BRICSBuild has reacted both dummy
spots in the second fragment with the dummy spot in the first fragment.
However, I would like to perform a partial join, meaning joining the first
fragment only with one of the two dummy spots in the second fragment. In
practice, I'm looking for a result like this:


Is there a way in rdkit to achieve this?
Again, sorry for the poor chemical jargon and if I make not much sense from
a chemical point of view.

Thank you.
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