Hello Lukas,

I am also struggling with 2D coordinate generation quite a long time as
well as what criteria to use for choosing the most appropriate. Therefore,
I would be very interest to use your code for 2D coordinate selection.

With best regards,

PS: very nice notebook Jose. I also wanted to write something similar but
never really found enough time to finish it.

On Tue, 9 Apr 2019 at 16:31, Lukas Pravda <lpra...@ebi.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi Jose,
> As you have shown there is no single method which would be perfect for
> everything. If you don’t care that much about speed, the possible solution
> could be to compute coordinates with all three approaches and then simply
> select the best conformer based on some criteria.
> The solution I use is to generate 2D coordinates using multiple approaches
> and then I have a set of methods which computes number of bond collisions
> and atoms being close to each other using KD-tree. Altogether this all is
> expressed as penalty score, where the lower is better.
> Should you need any code, let me know.
> Lukas
> On 09/04/2019, 14:35, "Jose Manuel Gally" <jose.manuel.ga...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>     Dear all,
>     This might sound naive, but I want to compute 2D coordinates for a set
>     of molecules.
>     For now I am considering the 3 methods below [1].
>     I was wondering if there was any recommendation to use one method over
>     another in some cases?
>     For instance, very large rings are not displayed round for CoordGen
> but
>     sometimes this method performs worse than the default (AllChem).
>     Computational time is not really an issue here as I generate those
>     coordinates on the fly for a very small set of compounds.
>     Here is a gist with a few examples:
>     https://gist.github.com/jose-manuel/0f2a5e8eae8bf2a72c0faad7f2f2a263
>     Thanks in advance, any suggestion is welcome!
>     Cheers,
>     Jose Manuel
>     [1] Methods:
>     1) rdkit.AllChem.Compute2dCoors (equivqlent to
>     rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor.Compute2DCoords)
>     2) rdkit.Avalon.pyAvalonTools.Generate2DCoords
>     3) rdkit.Chem.rdCoordGen.AddCoords + rescale
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Dr Thomas Evangelidis

Research Scientist

IOCB - Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy
of Sciences <https://www.uochb.cz/web/structure/31.html?lang=en>
Prague, Czech Republic
CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology <https://www.ceitec.eu/>
Brno, Czech Republic

email: teva...@gmail.com

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