Dear rdkiters,

I am playing with rdkit.Chem.Draw:
sim_map = Draw.SimilarityMaps.\
                  GetSimilarityMapFromWeights(mol, weights)

I don't like that in the created figure, the map colors overlap
with atoms and bonds colors.
It makes the map less readable.
I would prefer all labels and bonds to be black, only the map
to bring colors.

Also, since atoms have labels, I feel that coloring them
(and their bonds) is some unnecessary duplication of information.

Can the atom labels and bonds default coloring scheme be turned off?

From my reading of rdkit code, it seems that the elemDict in
Draw.DrawingOptions should be emptied.

I don't know how to pass such an option, and if this is even possible,
to GetSimilarityMapFromWeights.

Thanks a lot,

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