Le 04/12/2019 à 16:05, Greg Landrum a écrit :
Ideas/suggestions are welcome.

Dear all (and Gred of course :-),

I'd suggest to have:
- gist referenced in the blog (a small intro to the question)
- and/or a link to a "cookbook" section
- a link on the blog to existing blogs (aka planetrdkit?).

I found myself quite confused about some concepts, mostly because sometimes I'm lacking them (or the advanced requirements related to the concepts).

I have started aggregating knowledge related to these approaches (simplified introduction to concepts+usage): 1 - https://connect.ed-diamond.com/GNU-Linux-Magazine/GLMFHS-094/Recherche-de-molecules-innovantes (in French, but you get the concepts :-)
2 - https://www.steletch.org/spip.php?article91 (rdkit + django)
3 - https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/20/20/5062 (how to gather experimental information from ChEMBL+in house lab and docking data from in-house)

But I think the documentation is an ever growing problem, you could think to add a "contribute" to the documentation with a list of "requested features". Since I'm using rdkit more and more for my research, and half of my activity is also to teach, I may try to contribute by "small" documentation on topics where I find it usefull for my students :-)



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