Hi guys,

I am trying to get RMSD between embedded conformers and reference 3D
structure (no Hs) in the input file. Please see example below:

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem

suppl = Chem.SDMolSupplier("mol.sdf")

for mol in suppl:
    # Adding Hs
    mh = Chem.AddHs(mol, addCoords=True)
    # embedding
    AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(mh, numConfs=100, numThreads=0)
    cids = [conf.GetId() for conf in mh.GetConformers()]
    # optimization
    for cid in cids:
        mp = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(mh, mmffVariant='MMFF94s')
        ff = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField(mh, mp, confId=cid)
    # rms to reference structure in input file
    m = Chem.RemoveHs(mh)
    bestRmsList = []
    for i in range(len(cids)):
        bestRmsList.append(AllChem.GetBestRMS(m, mol, prbId=cids[i]))

As you can see, Hs are added for embedding and optimization, and then
removed for RMSD calculation (only compare heavy atoms). I pick "m" as
"probe" and "mol" as "reference" (not quite sure about this part).
Is this the right or proper way to do it? Any suggestions? I am still
learning RDKit. Many thanks!

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