On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 12:40 AM JW Feng <jw.a.f...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Are you sure depictions in GSheet wouldn't be a good GSoC project?

Pretty sure. The major problem is that for a GSoC project to succeed you
really need a mentor available who understands the underlying technology
and who can answer questions about it. For example, last year for the
Neo4J-RDKit project we had three co-mentors: me (RDKit expertise), Stefan
Armbruster from Neo4J (Neo4J expertise), and Christian Pilger (had the
vision and understanding of why you'd actually do with RDKit integration
into Neo4J). I also don't think that it would realistically be three months
worth of full time work (more likely much shorter than that).

> I will ask around to find volunteers to connect with you on GSheets and
> Colab.

I'd love to have the integration there too, so if you can find someone who
can help with how the integration on the GSheets side would actually work,
I can probably do the actual coding.

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