It's availalbe from the org.RDKit.RDKFuncs class. e.g:

String RDKFuncs.standardizeSmiles(String smiles)​

RWMol cleanup​(RWMol mol)


On 28/04/2020 15:09, Thomas Eckert wrote:
That helped, thanks! Didn't realize 'make install' was needed after building the wrappers - I had built without the wrappers first, trying to detect problems iteratively.

So now I'm able to use the wrappers in Java but noticed not all "core functionality" is covered by the wrappers. Specifically, I'm looking for a way to access
from Java. I could not find any matching Java class nor function. Is this functionality supported via the Java wrappers ?

Thanks & Regards,

On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 11:55 AM Tim Dudgeon < <>> wrote:

    Have a look in 'Code/JavaWrappers/gmwrapper/' not
    'build/Code/JavaWrappers/gmwrapper/' ?


    On 22/04/2020 10:36, Thomas Eckert wrote:
    Hi folks,

    Trying to build RDKit + JavaWrappers from scratch but, in the
    end, the JAR files are missing.

    Working on a freshly installed Ubuntu 19.10 and followed the
    steps described at [1]. All dependencies installed via Ubuntu's
    apt, no manually installed libs.

    Cloned the RDKit sources to
    and set env variables

    Using this 'cmake' command
    I get OK looking output except for
        CMake Warning (dev) at
    /usr/share/cmake-3.13/Modules/UseSWIG.cmake:564 (message):
          Policy CMP0078 is not set.  Run "cmake --help-policy
    CMP0078" for policy
          details.  Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy
    and suppress this
        Call Stack (most recent call first):
    Code/JavaWrappers/gmwrapper/CMakeLists.txt:109 (SWIG_ADD_LIBRARY)
        This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to
    suppress it.
    but as the warning states, this seems to be fine for
    non-rdkit-dev users, so I just carry on.

    'make' then runs happily with a few warnings on the first build
    but no errors are reported. It even states
        [ 99%] Built target GraphMolWrap_swig_compilation
        [ 99%] Built target GraphMolWrap
        [100%] building jar
        [100%] Built target GraphMolWrapJar
        [100%] building test classes
        [100%] Built target BuildJavaWrapperTests
    which seems to mean the JavaWrappers were built. However this is
    then the case
        ~/git/rdkit/build$ ls -lha Code/JavaWrappers/gmwrapper/
        total 16M
        drwxr-xr-x 3 thomas thomas 4,0K Apr 22 11:15 .
        drwxr-xr-x 4 thomas thomas 4,0K Apr 22 11:15 ..
        drwxr-xr-x 7 thomas thomas 4,0K Apr 22 11:15 CMakeFiles
        -rw-r--r-- 1 thomas thomas 2,6K Apr 22 10:47 cmake_install.cmake
        -rw-r--r-- 1 thomas thomas  13K Apr 22 10:47 CTestTestfile.cmake
        -rwxr-xr-x 1 thomas thomas  16M Apr 22 10:49
        -rw-r--r-- 1 thomas thomas  13K Apr 22 10:47 Makefile
    so no JAR files to be found even though the shared library
    mentioned in "Building the Java wrappers" at [1] is there.

    Thus I ran the tests
       /git/rdkit/build$ ctest
    Test project /home/thomas/git/rdkit/build
    73% tests passed, 39 tests failed out of 143

    Total Test time (real) =  98.60 sec

    The following tests FAILED:
            105 - JavaAromaticTests (Failed)
            106 - JavaAtomPairsTests (Failed)
            107 - JavaBasicMoleculeTests (Failed)
            108 - JavaBasicMolecule2Tests (Failed)
            109 - JavaChemAtomTests (Failed)
            110 - JavaChemBondTests (Failed)
            111 - JavaChemReactionTests (Failed)
            112 - JavaChemSmartsTests (Failed)
            113 - JavaChemTests (Failed)
            114 - JavaChemv2Tests (Failed)
            115 - JavaConformerTests (Failed)
            116 - JavaDescriptorTests (Failed)
            117 - JavaDistanceGeometryTests (Failed)
            118 - JavaErrorHandlingTests (Failed)
            119 - JavaFingerprintsTests (Failed)
            120 - JavaForceFieldsTests (Failed)
            121 - JavaHManipulationsTests (Failed)
            122 - JavaLipinskiTests (Failed)
            123 - JavaPicklingTests (Failed)
            124 - JavaSmilesCreationTests (Failed)
            125 - JavaSmilesDetailsTests (Failed)
            126 - JavaSmilesTests (Failed)
            127 - JavaSuppliersTests (Failed)
            128 - JavaTrajectoryTests (Failed)
            129 - JavaWrapperTests (Failed)
            130 - JavaChemTransformsTests (Failed)
            131 - JavaFMCSTests (Failed)
            132 - JavaPDBTests (Failed)
            133 - JavaSequenceTests (Failed)
            134 - JavaAlignTests (Failed)
            135 - JavaMolQueryTests (Failed)
            136 - JavaFilterCatalogTests (Failed)
            137 - JavaSubstructLibraryTests (Failed)
            138 - JavaRGroupDecompositionTests (Failed)
            139 - JavaScaffoldNetworkTests (Failed)
            140 - JavaMolHashTest (Failed)
            141 - JavaDiversityPickerTests (Failed)
            142 - JavaBitOpsTests (Failed)
            143 - MolStandardizeTest (Failed)
    Errors while running CTest

    At this point I cannot find anything in the documentation to
    proceed further. I'm not familiar with most of the stack used
    with/for RDKit either, so I don't know where to look. Any hints
    on where to look or what to check ?



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