Dear RDKit Community,

Hope you're all well! I'm a student from UC Berkeley building an
integration between RDKit and MongoDB as part of Google Summer of Code.

The idea of the project is twofold:

   1. Provide tools for building a chemically-intelligent MongoDB database.
   2. Provide high-performance similarity and substructure search that
   leverage MongoDB.

If you use or would like to use MongoDB as part of your work, I'd love to
get some input from you, either via email or through a short call. What
kinds of Mongo setups are all of you using? What kinds of information would
you like to store? What are some examples of searches? This would help me
build something as usable as possible for all of you.

Many thanks—I'm incredibly excited to be contributing to this community.


*Christopher Zou *
Computer Science and Biochemistry,
UC Berkeley '22
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