Dear Jan,

I was using 2020.03.3
I can't get to install the version 2020.03.4 which you are using.
I work with command line Anaconda on Open SUSE 15.1 Linux and installing
conda install -q -y -c conda-forge rdkit
gives me version 2018.09

while installing with:
conda install -c rdkit rdkit
gets me to version 2020.03.3

I will try reinstalling Anaconda from scratch, I think and see what happens
The structure in your notebook looks good to me

Thank you so much!

Wojtek Plonka
+48885756652 <>

On Sun, Jul 12, 2020 at 3:40 PM Jan Halborg Jensen <>

> The 3D structure of the first molecule looks fine to me:
> What version of RDKit are you using?
> On 12 Jul 2020, at 07.00, Wojtek Plonka <> wrote:
> Dear Greg, All,
> (I tried sending the message some time ago, but I think it did not go
> through)
> I'm trying to convert some molecules which I have as SMILES strings only
> to 3D.
> I use a methodology similar to the below script, except this example saves
> to SDF at different stages of conversion for test purposes.
> What happens is that I get very bad 3D structures, CH3 groups with insane
> geometry, crazy bond lengths between heavy atoms for some molecules, even
> as the EmbedMolecule and MMFFOptimizeMolecule report success. The problems
> seem to be gone when I remove the chirality data from SMILES (as far as
> little I understand and like SMILES at all:) ) The script has 3 molecules
> to process, I'd greatly appreciate it if any of you could take a look at
> the SDF with any 3D molecule viewer file it produces. The first and second
> one are processed, the third fails, but this is OK. The problem is the
> geometry I get for the first molecule.
> Any suggestions what I might be doing wrong?
> I tried playing with parameters of EmbedMolecule and MMFFOptimizeMolecule,
> also using UFF optimization, no success. I can fix my molecules by running
> MM3 calculations in external software, but I'd love to avoid that.
> Here is the code:
> from rdkit import Chem
> from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
> myuglymols = [
>             'C[C@@]12OC(=O)[C@]3(O)CC[C@H]4[C@@H](C[C@@H](O)[C@
> @]5(O)CC=CC(=O)[C@]45C)[C@@]45O[C@@]13[C@@H](C4=O)[C@]1(C)C[C@H]2OC(=O)[C@
> @H]1CO5',
> 'C[C]12OC(=O)[C]3(O)CC[CH]4[CH](C[CH](O)[C]5(O)CC=CC(=O)[C]45C)[C]45O[C]13[CH](C4=O)[C]1(C)C[CH]2OC(=O)[CH]1CO5'
> ,
>             'CC1=CC(=O)[C@@H](O)[C@]2(C)[C@H]3[C@]4(O)OC[C@@]33[C@@H](C[C@
> @H]12)OC(=O)C[C@H]3C(=C)[C@H]4O'
>             ]
> w = Chem.SDWriter('uglymols.sdf')
> for smiles in myuglymols:
>     m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
>     if (m):
>         mold = m
>         m.SetProp('State','MolFromSmiles')
>         w.write(m)
>         Chem.SanitizeMol(m)
>         m.SetProp('State','SanitizeMol')
>         w.write(m)
>         try:
>             print (smiles)
>             m= Chem.AddHs(m)
> # 
> print(AllChem.EmbedMolecule(m,randomSeed=42,useRandomCoords=True,useSmallRingTorsions=True,
>  useMacrocycleTorsions=True))
>             print(AllChem.EmbedMolecule(m))
>             m.SetProp('State','SanitizeMol')
>             w.write(m)
>             opt = AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMolecule(m,maxIters=10000,
> ignoreInterfragInteractions=False,mmffVariant='MMFF94')
>             m.SetProp('State','MMFFOptimizeMolecule')
>             m.SetProp('Optimized',str(1-opt))
>             w.write(m)
>             print(opt)
>         except Exception as e:
>             print ('Failed')
>             m = mold
>             m.SetProp('Optimized','Error')
>             w.write(m)
> w.flush()
> w.close()
> Thank you very much!
> Wojtek Plonka
> +48885756652
> <>
> <>
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