Hi all,

I have a SMILES list containing 251 SMILES strings (collected from a csv file) 
which I needed to convert to mol files because Open Babel is not doing its job 
in adding explicit Hs in batches before being converted to .sdf so I can 
process the molecules in rdkit and PyRx. So I am trying to use RDKit as an 
alternative to generate what I need.

I used the following:
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import rdmolfiles

suppl_smiles = []

temp = 
y = len(temp)

for x in range (y):
    temp2 = suppl_smiles[x]
    temp3 = Chem.MolFromSmiles(temp2)

​The one in highlight always returns the following:

TypeError: No registered converter was able to produce a C++ rvalue of type 
class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class 
std::allocator<wchar_t> > from this Python object of type SmilesMolSupplier

I have been looking in GitHub, Source Forge, and other fora regarding batch 
conversion of smiles to mol files (I only encountered sdf containing multiple 
molecules to smiles which I already figured out) but I have not seen using 
MolFromSmiles using calling the tuple index as an object. I'd appreciate your 
help. Thank you.

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