Hi Lukas,

Sorry for the slow reply on this one.
The algorithm the RDKit uses to assign the number of radical electrons to
an atom is really only useful for main-group elements. As you can see, it
generates results that don't make much sense for transition metals.

I guess a more sensible approach here would be to just use the minimum
number of unpaired valence electrons. Since Mn+2 has 5 valence electrons
this would result in a radical count of 1.

Here's the github issue for this:

On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 10:16 PM Lukas Pravda <lpra...@ebi.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear rdkit community,
> I’m not quite sure if this is more of an rdkit or a chemistry related
> question. I’d like to understand why a manganese ion has 3 radical
> electrons when interpreted by rdkit. I have not seen radicals in any other
> metal ion so far.
> The code to get the depiction looks like this:
> from rdkit import Chem
> from rdkit.Chem import Draw
> width = 500
> m = Chem.MolFromInchi('InChI=1S/Mn/q+2')
> drawer = Draw.rdMolDraw2D.MolDraw2DSVG(width, width)
> Draw.rdMolDraw2D.PrepareMolForDrawing(m, wedgeBonds=True, kekulize=True,
> addChiralHs=True)
> drawer.DrawMolecule(m)
> drawer.FinishDrawing()
> with open('2d_mol.svg', 'w') as f:
>     svg = drawer.GetDrawingText()
>     f.write(svg)
> print('done')
> and the depiction you get looks like the one on the page:
> https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe-srv/pdbechem/chemicalCompound/show/MN Thank
> you in advance for clarification.
> rdkit through python 2020.03.4 on mac 10.15.6
> Best,
> Lukas
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