Hi all,

I'm trying to generate an SVG from reaction SMARTS. The code looks like this:

QByteArray ChemicalReactionsCalculation::toSvg(const QString &reaction, int 
width, int height)
        std::string text = reaction.toStdString();

        if (rxn)
            RDKit::MolDraw2DSVG drawer(width, height);

            auto svg = drawer.getDrawingText();
            return QByteArray::fromStdString(svg);
    catch (const std::exception &e)
        qWarning() << "Exception in ChemicalReactionsCalculation::toSvg on" << 
reaction << ":" << e.what();
    return QByteArray();

This works fine for most reaction SMARTS strings, but throws an exception at 
"drawer.drawReaction" when the SMARTS string has a combination of Boolean 
operators in it. For example, "[n&H1:1]>>[o:1]" works fine, as does 
"[c,n:1]>>[O:1]", but doing "[c,n&H1:1]>>[o:1]" fails (as does the equivalent 

Exception in ChemicalReactionsCalculation::toSvg on "[c,n&H1:1]>>[o:1]" : bad 
query type1

This happens for pretty much any combination of "," and "&" operators inside 
the square brackets. Any ideas?


Dr Mark Mackey
Chief Scientific Officer
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